About Us
Our Mission
"To assist, motivate, and empower immigrants and their families to obtain U. S. citizenship"
Our team, from the Board of Directors to volunteers, includes individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills. We all work together to assist clients, students, and the community.
Nuestro equipo, desde la junta directiva hasta los voluntarios, incluye personas con diversos antecedentes y habilidades. Todos trabajamos juntos para ayudar a los clientes, los estudiantes y la comunidad.
We are accredited to assist Legal Permanent Residents on their path to citizenship. Our team consists of four compassionate and passionate Hispanic bilingual women committed to serving the community. With a wealth of experience in the nonprofit sector and customer service, we bring immigration services to those in need. Each of us adds a unique spark to the table, making our work fulfilling, enjoyable, and ensuring the best service for our community members.
Board of Directors
Hand in Hand's Board of Directors is composed of community members with diverse professional skills, cultural backgrounds, and personal experiences. We are always looking for passionate individuals committed to our mission.
La Mesa Directiva de Hand in Hand está compuesta por miembros de la comunidad con diversas habilidades profesionales, antecedentes culturales y experiencias personales. Siempre estamos buscando personas apasionadas y comprometidas con nuestra misión.